Book Reviewed in this article:
Juch, Bert. Personal Development: Theory and Practice in Management Training.
Rychlak, Joseph F. Personality and Life‐Style of Young Male Managers: A Logical Learning Theory Analysis.
Osipow, Samuel H. Theories of Career Development.
Toch, Hans and Grant, J. Douglas. Reforming Human Services: Change Through Participation.
Goodman, Paul S. and Associates. Change in Organizations: New Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice.
Schön, Donald A. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action.
Gallessich, June. The Profession and Practice of Consultation.
Fineman, Stephen. White Collar Unemployment: Impact and Stress.
Sudman, Seymour and Bradburn, Norman M. Asking Questions: A Practical Guide to Questionnaire Design.
Bailey, Robert W. Human Performance Engineering: A Guide for System Designers.
Guzzo, Richard A. and Bondy, Jeffrey S. A Guide to Worker Productivity Experiments in the United States 1976‐81.
Hollinger, Richard C. and Clark, John P. Theft by Employees.
Steers, Richard M. and Porter, Lyman W. Motivation and Work Behavior.
Manuso, James S. J. (Editor) Occupational Clinical Psychology.
Cooper, Cary L. (Editor) Stress Research: Issues for the Eighties.
Paine, Whiton Stewart. (Editor) Job Stress and Burnout: Research, Theory, and Intervention Perspectives.
French, John R. P., Jr., Caplan, Robert D. and Harrison, R. Van. The Mechanisms of Job Stress and Strain.
Allen, Robert W. and Porter, Lyman W. (Editors) Organizational Influence Processes.
Schlesinger, Leonard A., Eccles, Robert G. and Garbarro, John J. Managing Behavior in Organizations: Text, Cases, and Readings.
Szilagyi, Andrew D., Jr. and Wallace, Marc J., Jr. Organizational Behavior and Performance.
Hackman J. Richard, Lawler, Edward E., III, and Porter, Lyman W. (Editors) Perspectives on Behavior in Organizations.
Lewis, Phillip V. Managing Human Relations.
Johns, Gary. Organizational Behavior: Understanding Life at Work.
Feldman, Daniel C. and Arnold, Hugh J. Managing Individual and Group Behavior in Organizations.
Scanlan, Burt and Keys, Bernard. Management and Organizational Behavior.
Halloran, Jack. Applied Human Relations: An Organizational Approach.
Pearlman, Kenneth, Schmidt, Frank L. and Hamner, W. Clay. (Editors) Contemporary Problems in Personnel.
Heneman, Herbert G., III, Schwab, Donald P., Fossum, John A. and Dyer, Lee D. Personnel/Human Resource Management.
Holley, William H. and Jennings, Kenneth M. Personnel Management: Functions and Issues.
Schlesinger, Leonard A. Quality of Work Life and the Supervisor.
Eckles, Robert W., Carmichael, Ronald and Sarchet, Bernard R. Supervisory Management: A Short Course in Supervision.
Phillips, Keri and Fraser, Tony. The Management of Inierpersonal Skills Training.
Sherwood, John J., Faux, Susan N. and King, Donald C. Management Development Strategies: Highlights of the Literature.
Ewing, David W. Do It My Way or You're Fired: Employee Rights and the Changing Role of Management Prerogatives.
Wallace, Marc J., Jr. and Fay, Charles H. Compensation Theo...