2One of the main changes that occur during heat treatment of milk is whey protein denaturation, 3 which in its turn may lead to protein aggregation and gelation. In this contribution, the effect of 4 lysophospholipids, the main components of lysolecithins, as well as alternative surfactants, on 5 heat-induced whey protein aggregation has been studied. Hereby, attention was paid to the 6 relation between polar lipid molecular structure (e.g. effect of alkyl chain length, effect of polar 7 head group) and heat stabilising properties. Residual protein determination in the supernatant 8 obtained after centrifugation of heated whey protein solutions learned that whey protein 9 aggregation was at least partly prevented in the presence of surfactants. As the short alkyl chain 10 lysophospholipids were particularly effective heat stabilisers, hydrophilic surfactants seemed to 11 be most effective, which may be ascribed to their higher critical aggregation concentration. Upon