An understanding of cross-culture provides an overview of communication between different cultures. There are often inhibiting factors in the process of learning and understanding intercultural communication. Barriers to intercultural communication may occur because of cultural differences between communicators and communicants. Provision of cross-cultural knowledge to students needs to be done before students enter the workforce. So that they can adapt according to the field of work they are engaged in. This study discusses the role of cross-cultural knowledge in the field of work. The respondents are 99 alumni from three universities in Indonesia who work in various fields. The fields of work studied are admin, manager, trainer, translator. This research was conducted using a quantitative method, the results of the analysis of ANOVA testing (post-hoc analysis) using the Bonferroni method. The results of the test of the significance of the difference in the mean of the four groups of verbal ability rating scores obtained from the four sample clusters, namely the rating scores of admin, manager, trainer, and translator, showed significant test results. This is indicated by the value of F = 3.149 at = 0.05 and = 0.01 which is indicated by the value of -p = 0.29. The results of the research show that the order of work that requires cross-cultural knowledge is translator, manager, admin and trainer. This research is expected to be a reference for higher education providers to prepare human resources who have cross-cultural knowledge. In addition, it is hoped that further research can provide a model of cross-cultural knowledge to management in higher education.