It was demonstrated that spinorbit coupling changed the lowest-lying electronic states of PtCN and PtNC from 2 to 2 ¦ 5/2 by highly correlated electronic structure theory, considering relativistic effects. On the other hand, the electronic ground states of PdCN and PdNC remained 2 1/2 , even after considering spinorbit coupling effects.Keywords: Relativistic effect | Spectroscopic constants | Platinum compoundPlatinum is a transition-metal element in the fifth row of the periodic table where relativistic effect plays a significant role. Due to recent progresses in molecular theory, it has become feasible to quantitatively evaluate the spectroscopic constants of transition-metal compounds containing Pt by applying the stateof-the-art ab initio molecular orbital theory that can treat both relativistic and electron correlation effects appropriately. Nowadays theoretical calculations play an important role in understanding and predicting the spectroscopic constants of molecules in cooperation with experiments. For PtCN, the electronic ground state was predicted to be 2 by theoretical calculations, 1 but recently it has been reported that the angular momentum of the electronic ground state about the PtCN bond axis was ³ = 5/2, originating from 2 ¦, obtained by the measurement of millimeter and sub-millimeter wave spectra.2 Through a private communication with the experimental group, 2 we performed theoretical calculations for PtCN and PtNC and reported preliminary results that their ground states were predicted to be 2 ¦ 5/2 by considering spinorbit coupling effects.3 Very recently, the other group also reported similar results for PtCN and PdCN, by theoretical calculations including spinorbit coupling effects. 4 In this paper, we have reported a summary of our quantum chemical calculations for the low-lying electronic states of PtCN and PtNC, to identify the electronic ground state and to determine the equilibrium structures and vibrational frequencies, by the highly accurate electronic structure theory, considering scalar relativistic effects, spinorbit coupling effects, and electron correlation effects. It is noted that there is no report of the experimental observation for PtNC. We also performed a set of the same calculations for PdCN and PdNC for comparisons. As for PdCN, Okabayashi and co-workers performed similar experiments to determine the ground state term, equilibrium geometries, and the PdC vibrational frequency. 2 ¬, and 2 ¦ states, respectively. The energy was calculated for these three electronic states by the spin-restricted open-shell coupled cluster singles and doubles with a perturbational estimate of triple-excitations (RCCSD(T)). The relativistic effects were considered by the third-order DouglasKroll relativistic one-electron integrals, 6 with relativistic basis sets, Sapporo-DKH3-QZP. 7,8 The spinorbit coupling elements were also calculated for the 2 , 2 ¬, and 2 ¦ states of PtCN, PtNC, PdCN, and PdNC, as well as the ground state of Pt atom ( 3 D), using the BreitPauli Hamiltonian scheme, 9 by...