Proteomic studies typically involve the use of different types of software for annotating experimental tandem mass spectrometric data (MS/MS) and thereby simplifying the process of peptide and protein identification. For such annotations, these softwares calculate the m/z values of the peptide/protein precursor and fragment ions, for which a database of protein sequences must be provided as an input file. The calculated m/z values are stored as another database, which the user usually cannot view. Database Creator for Mass Analysis of Peptides and Proteins (DC-MAPP) is a novel standalone software that can create custom databases for "viewing" the calculated m/z values of precursor and fragment ions, prior to the database search. It contains three modules. Peptide/ Protein sequences as per user's choice can be entered as input to the first module for creating a custom database. In the second module, m/z values must be queried-in, which are searched within the custom database to identify protein/peptide sequences. The third module is suited for peptide mass fingerprinting, which can be used to analyze both ESI and MALDI mass spectral data. The feature of "viewing" the custom database can be helpful not only for better understanding the search engine processes, but also for designing multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) methods. Post-translational modifications and protein isoforms can also be analyzed. Since, DC-MAPP relies on the protein/peptide "sequences" for creating custom databases, it may not be applicable for the searches involving spectral libraries. Python language was used for implementation, and the graphical user interface was built with Page/Tcl, making this tool more user-friendly. It is freely available at