Rieske dioxygenases are metalloenzymes capable of achieving cis-dihydroxylation of aromatics underm ild conditions using O 2 andasource of electrons. The intermediate responsible for this reactivityi sp roposed to be a cis-Fe V (O)(OH) moiety.M olecular models allow the generation of aF e III (OOH) species with H 2 O 2 ,t oy ield aF e V (O)(OH) speciesw ith tetradentatel igands, or {Fe IV (O);O H C}p airs with pentadentateo nes.W eh ave designedanew pentadentate ligand,m tL 4 2 ,b earing al abile triazole, to generate an "in-between"s ituation. Twoi ron complexes,[ (mtL 4 2 )FeCl](PF 6 )a nd [(mtL 4 2 )Fe(OTf) 2 ]), were obtained and their reactivity towards aromatic substrates was studied in the presence of H 2 O 2 .Spectroscopica nd kinetic studies reflect that triazole is bounda tthe Fe II state, but decoordinates in the Fe III (OOH). The resulting [(mtL 4 2 )Fe III (OOH)(MeCN)] 2 + then lies on abifurcated decay pathway (end-on homolytic vs. side-on heterolytic) dependingo nt he addition of aromatic substrate:i nt he absence of substrate,i tisp roposed to follow aside-on pathway leading to ap utative (N 4 )Fe V (O)(OH), while in the presence of aromaticsi ts witchest oa ne nd-onh omolyticp athway yieldinga{(N 5 )Fe IV (O);O H C}r eactive species, through recoordination of triazole. This switch significantly impactst he reactionregioselectivity.