Abstract:. Aloe vera L. is a perennial liliaceous plant with succulent green leaves, it is a xerophyte with economic and social value, but little is known about its response to salt stress and its mechanisms of tolerance, especially at moderate concentrations. The objective was to investigate the effect of salinity stress (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 mM NaCl) on Aloe by measuring physiological and morphometric traits related to growth. The results of measuring physiological traits showed no signifi cant differences compared to the control at 30 and 60 mM (chlorophylls a, b, total, relative water content, net assimilation rate, specifi c leaf weight, and specifi c leaf area), even at 90 mM or 120 mM most parameter variations were not signifi cantly different. Similarly, for morphological traits no signifi cant differences were found compared to the control for all 16 morphological traits at 30 mM, or even at 60 mM since at this concentration only one trait varied signifi cantly (1 out of 16). Although the general trend of increasing NaCl was to lower leaf fresh weight as salinity increased, presumably due to a decrease in water content. However leaf dry weight was not signifi cantly reduced at any of the salinity concentrations applied. Thus, total dry leaf biomass was basically the same or similar, this suggesting that Aloe has an ability to withstand these levels of salinity stress. It is noteworthy to point out, that there is a general trend of lower growth (lower parameters both physiological and morphological) that is not signifi cant at low doses (30 and 60 mM), however becoming more signifi cant at higher doses (90 and 120 mM). Thus, we suggest that Aloe has continuum responses to NaCl stress. Keywords: biomass, growth analysis, NaCl salinity salt tolerance.Resumen: Aloe vera L. es una planta liliácea perenne con hojas verdes suculentas, es una xerófi la con valor económico y social; sin embargo, existe poca información disponible en torno a su respuesta a la salinidad y sus mecanismos de tolerancia, especialmente en concentraciones moderadas. El objetivo fue investigar el efecto del estrés salino (0, 30, 60, 90 y 120 mM de NaCl) en rasgos fi siológicos y morfométricos relacionados con el crecimiento de Aloe. Los resultados de las características fi siológicas (clorofi las a, b, total; contenido relativo de agua;, tasa de asimilación neta; peso específi co de la hoja y área foliar específi ca), no mostraron diferencias signifi cativas en 60 y 90 mM, comparados con el control. Incluso en 90 ó 120 mM, la variación de algunos parámetros fue diferente signifi cativamente. Igualmente, para características morfológicas no se encontraron diferencias significativas con respecto al control en las 16 características utilizadas a 30 mM. Incluso a 60 mM solamente una característica difi rió signifi cativamente. Aunque la tendencia general al incrementar la concentración de NaCl fue la disminución del peso fresco de la hoja, presumiblemente debido a la disminución del contenido de agua. Sin embargo, el peso seco de la hoja n...