“…NUCLEAR R&D BUDGET: India's budget forFY 1989FY -1990 billion rupees (about $1.28 billion U.S.), which is a 29% increase over the prior year; this funding also includes plant operations and design (NW 3/16/89) in total CANDU-type reactors and LWR reactors and the associated fuel cycles: uranium mining, milling and conversion; uranium enrichment; fuel fabrication; heavy water production; reprocessing in small plants adjacent to nuclear power stations; this strategy has been achieved(Murthy 1988); if enriched UF 6 supply for India's BWRs is cut off, it may fuel with U0 2 -Pu0 2 2.2 POLICY ON THE FRONT END OF THE NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE:The stra1egy is to be independent in all capabilities on the front end of the fuel cycle; this includes uranium mining, milling and conversion, uranium enrichment, fuel fabrication, and heavy water production (NE11/87); India also plans to develop the FBR system, starting with a uranium-plutonium fuel system, then using mixed carbide fuels, andThe Nuclear Power Corporation reports to DAE; it is responsible for design, construction, and operation/maintenance of nuclear power stations Bhabha Atomic Research Center) at Trombay, Bombay, carries out fuel cycle, waste vitrification and disposal R&D, and R&D on uranium ore processing {Murthy 1988); BARC also carries out isotope production and processing; it has five test reactors, a number of pilot-scale facilities for fuel reprocessing, isotope production and processing, fuel materials production {heavy water, zirconium, titanium, thorium) and related R&D; it has facilities for treatment of alpha-emitting wastes (incineration, wet oxidation), immobilization of fuel cladding hulls, and decommissioning R&D; the budget for BAAC for FY-1989-90 is1.8 billion rupees (about $120 million U.S.The Indira Ghandi Centre for Atomic Research) at Kalpak~am carries out fuel cycle R&D, including FBR fuel reprocessing and waste management; it has an interim storage facility for vitrified HLW; it has a fast breeder test reactor and a thorium-fueled test reactor {Kamini reactor, 30 kW); it carries out major R&D on FBA power reactors (NEI 1/90; Leigh and Mitchell 1990); a nuclear science center was established at the University of Madras in 1989 with linkage to IGCAA; the All steps in the production of fuel for nuclear reactors are…”