The Roseland district of Nelson and Amherst Counties, Va., is centered on an intermontane basin along the southeastern margin of the Blue Ridge. The Grenville-age igneous rocks in this area are less altered than elsewhere in the Blue Ridge, and exposure is sufficient to map their relations. The district was formerly an important producer of titanium minerals and still contains over 5 percent of U.S. identified resources of those minerals. The valuable minerals, rutile and ilmenite, formed in two stages which largely correlate with anorthosite and ferrodiorite, respectively.The oldest rocks (apparently pre-Grenville) are garnet-graphitepyroxene-blue quartz granulites and quartz mangerites. Platytextured leucocratic charnockites are associated with these rocks but are probably a younger neosome.The Roseland Anorthosite (about 1,050 Ma) intrudes these older rocks as a largely concordant basal sheet. Crosscutting relations with country rock are abundant, however. The anorthosite consists of andesine-antiperthite megacrysts in a granulated oligoclase-potassium feldspar matrix. Its margins contain pyroxene and blue quartz megacrysts, probably as a result of high-temperature reaction between anorthosite melt and country rocks. The unusually alkalic nature of the anorthosite has led to unusual rutile mineralization in this contaminated marginal facies and its immediate country rocks, especially in swarms of anorthosite sills in mangeritic rocks forming the anorthosite roof along the eastern side of the body.The Shaeffer Hollow Granite (about 990 Ma) is a coarse leucocratic blue quartz granite, porphyritic with tabular feldspars. It cuts granulite but is present largely as roof pendants and screens in the younger ferrodioritic plutons, except in a wide deformation zone where it appears to be the dominant protolith of mylonitic rocks.The Roses Mill and Turkey Mountain ferrodiorite-charnockite plutons (about 970 Ma) together form a largely concordant upper intrusive sheet. Intrusive relations with older units, however, are abundant. These rocks have high ilmenite-apatite-(zircon) contents that reflect distinctively high values of Ti, P, Zr, Fe/Mg, and K/Si. Blue quartz is present only as abundant xenocrysts. Much of these plutons is isochemically altered to biotitic augen gneiss. Layered concordant impure nelsonite (ilmenite-apatite rock) is locally found along the bases of these plutons, and nelsonite forms discordant bodies in the immediately underlying country rock. These lithologies probably formed by liquid immiscibility. Nelsonites and ilmenite-rich ferrodiorite constitute the main ilmenite resources of the district.The anorthosite and ferrodiorite-charnockite plutons are apparently not comagmatic but probably cogenetic. The anorthosite formed in a deeper crustal environment than ferrodiorite and probably was emplaced as a diapir into the higher crustal level.In the northwestern side of the district are ferrodioritic charnockitic rocks of the Pedlar massif. They are about 1,040 m.y. old but are separated from all othe...