The semi-exclusive channel νµ +CH → µ − π 0 +nucleon(s) is analyzed using MINERvA exposed to the low-energy NuMI νµ beam with spectral peak at Eν 3 GeV. Differential cross sections for muon momentum and production angle, π 0 kinetic energy and production angle, and for squared fourmomentum transfer are reported, and the cross section σ(Eν ) is obtained over the range 1.5 GeV ≤ Eν < 20 GeV. Results are compared to GENIE and NuWro predictions and to published MINERvA cross sections for charged current π + (π 0 ) production by νµ(νµ) neutrinos. Disagreements between data and simulation are observed at very low and relatively high values for muon angle and for Q 2 that may reflect shortfalls in modeling of interactions on carbon. For π 0 kinematic distributions however, the data are consistent with the simulation and provide support for generator treatments of pion intranuclear scattering. Using signal-event subsamples that have reconstructed protons as well as π 0 mesons, the pπ 0 invariant mass distribution is obtained, and the decay polar and azimuthal angle distributions in the rest frame of the pπ 0 system are measured in the region of ∆(1232) + production, W < 1.4 GeV.