Anthropogenic carbon dioxide-induced 'ocean acidification' is predicted to have major implications for marine organisms. As the oceans becomes increasingly hypercapnic (elevated CO 2 ) and seawater pH decreases, the ability of organisms to maintain extracellular pH homeostasis (acidbase balance) may be compromised. Acid -base regulation occurs by ionic transport, where hydrogen and bicarbonate ions (HCO 3 -) are exchanged for sodium and chloride, respectively (H + /Na + ; HCO 3 -/Cl -), as exemplified by decapod crustaceans. Palaemonid prawns, in particular, are efficient hypo-ionic/osmotic regulators in seawater. We demonstrate that hypercapnic exposure (0.3 kPa) results in short-term (5 to 14 d) extracellular acidosis in 2 efficient ionic/osmo-regulators (thus, acid -base regulators), i.e. Palaemon elegans and P. serratus. Complete hypercapnic compensation was observed in both species after 30 d exposure with no effect on osmotic capacity, but at the expense of extracellular acid -base alteration (alkalosis). Furthermore, the predominantly subtidal species P. serratus was observed to be as tolerant as the intertidal species P. elegans, although 2 differing mechanisms of ionic regulation may be at work, with P. elegans and P. serratus displaying lower and elevated haemolymph ion concentrations (i.e. sodium, chloride and calcium), respectively.
KEY WORDS: Hypercapnia · 'Ocean acidification' · Acid -base balance · Osmotic and ionic regulation · PalaemonResale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher Aquat Biol 11: 27-36, 2010 The ocean's natural capacity to buffer changes in seawater chemistry caused by CO 2 has been compromised and surface ocean pH has decreased by 0.1 units (since pre-industrial times) as a result of a 30% increase in H + ions (Caldeira & Wickett 2003, Blackford & Gilbert 2007. The reduction in ocean pH is termed 'ocean acidification'. Responsible for this rapid rise in ocean acidity is increasing hypercapnia (elevated levels of dissolved CO 2 ) (which drives the equilibria of Eq. 1 towards the right-hand side). This may have profound effects upon the biota, the critical limits and long-term effects of which are currently unknown (Pörtner et al. 1998, Seibel & Walsh 2003, Widdicombe & Spicer 2008.It is likely that changes in seawater chemistry will affect the internal physiological functioning of marine organisms, such as the acid -base balance (Raven et al. 2005). Organisms that live in aquatic environments face the problem of maintaining a constant internal environment (i.e. acid -base balance in extracellular fluid) that enables cells to function efficiently and is independent of the external environment (Rankin & Davenport 1981, Seibel & Walsh 2003 (Cameron & Mangum 1983, Mantel & Farmer 1983. Ionic and osmotic regulation is defined as 'the maintenance in a body fluid of concentrations of ions (ionic) and total particle concentration (osmotic) differing to that the external medium' (Robertson 1949), and it is generally regarded that efficient ioni...