A broadband dual-polarized crossed dipole antenna is proposed in this paper. To achieve a wide impedance bandwidth and low-profile configuration, a novel bow-tie balun is applied to this antenna. Firstly, the working mechanisms of both bow-tie baluns and the antenna are introduced. Then, the parametric study and design guidelines are presented. Finally, the optimized antenna is fabricated, measured, and analyzed. The simulated and measured results show that the antenna has a wide impedance bandwidth from 2.42 GHz to 6.48 GHz. The fractional bandwidth is 91.2%. Moreover, within the whole band, the E-plane and H-plane radiation patterns are stable. The port isolation is greater than 20 dB, and the cross-polarization discrimination ratio is better than 25 dB. The proposed antenna achieves a realized gain of 7.5 dBi ± 0.5 dBi. It can be a good candidate for sub-6 GHz wireless communications or short-range radar applications.