. J. 2009. Harvesting and slash piling affects soil respiration, soil temperature, and soil moisture regimes in Newfoundland boreal forests. Can. J. Soil Sci. 89: 343Á355. The effect of harvesting and slash piling on soil respiration, temperature and moisture was examined in a balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and a black spruce (Picea marinara) forest located in western Newfoundland, Canada, 2 mo to 2.5 yr following harvesting. Within 4 mo of harvesting, soil temperature, moisture, and soil respiration rates were affected by harvesting and slash piling. Clearcut areas without slash (CCÁS) had significantly lower soil respiration rates than uncut forests (F). However, clearcut areas with slash cover (CC'S) had significantly higher soil respiration rates than CCÁS. When harvested areas with and without slash were combined, harvesting decreased soil respiration in the black spruce forest but had no effect on soil respiration in the balsam fir forest. Harvesting increased soil temperatures at 10 cm, however CC'S temperatures were cooler than CCÁ S temperatures. Harvested areas tended to dry faster than F, although soil moisture levels at !3.5 cm were not significantly depleted. However, there was evidence of soil drying at B3.5 cm. Soil temperature (at 10 cm) at the time of measurement was most strongly correlated to rates of soil respiration. Temporal variability and treatment effects (harvesting and slash piling) played a minor role in explaining soil respiration rates when variations in soil respiration were adjusted for 10-cm soil temperature,. Soil moisture levels (3.5Á9.5 cm depth), which did not vary widely, also played a minor role in explaining soil respiration rates.Key words: Clearcut, Abies balsamea, Picea marinara, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas Moroni M. T., Carter, P. Q. et Ryan, D. A. J. 2009. La re´colte et l'empilage des re´manents affectent la respiration, la tempe´rature et l'hygrome´trie du sol dans les foreˆts bore´ales de Terre-Neuve. Can. J. Soil Sci. 89: 343Á355. Les auteurs ont examine´l'incidence de la re´colte du bois et de l'empilage des re´manents sur la respiration, la tempe´rature et l'hygrome´trie du sol dans une foreˆt de sapins baumiers (Abies balsamea) et d'e´pinettes noires (Picea mariana) situe´e dans l'ouest de TerreNeuve, deux mois a`2,5 ans apre`s son exploitation. La re´colte et l'empilage des re´manents modifient la tempe´rature, l'hygrome´trie et le taux de respiration du sol au cours des quatre mois qui suivent l'exploitation. Les secteurs de coupe ab lanc sans re´manents (CCÁS) se caracte´risaient par un taux de respiration nettement plus faible que les zones non exploite´es. Cependant, ceux avec des re´manents (CC'S) pre´sentaient un taux de respiration du sol sensiblement plus e´leve´. Lorsqu'on combine les zones exploite´es avec et sans re´manents, on constate que la re´colte du bois diminue le taux de respiration du sol dans les foreˆts d'e´pinettes noires, mais n'a aucune incidence sur ce parame`tre dans celles de sapins baumiers. L'exploitation accroıˆt la tempe´rature ...