Abstract:Malware have been tremendously growing in recent years. Most malware use obfuscation techniques for evasion and hiding purposes, but they preserve the functionality and malicious behavior of original code. Although most research work has been mainly focused on program static analysis, some recent contributions have used program behavior analysis to detect malware at run-time. Extracting the behavior of polymorphic malware is one of the major issues that affects the detection result. In this paper, we propose HM 3 alD, a novel program behavior-aware hidden Markov model for polymorphic malware detection. The main idea is to use an effective clustering scheme to partition the program behavior of malware instances and then apply a novel hidden Markov model (called program behavior-aware HMM) on each cluster to train the corresponding behavior. Low-level program behavior, OS-level system call sequence, is mapped to high-level action sequence and used as transition triggers across states in program behavior-aware HMM topology. Experimental results show that HM 3 alD outperforms all current dynamic and static malware detection methods, especially in term of FAR, while using a large dataset of 6349 malware.