Water is a unique solvent that is ubiquitous in biology and present in a variety of solutions, mixtures, and materials settings. It therefore forms the basis for all molecular dynamics simulations of biological phenomena, as well as for many chemical, industrial, and materials investigations. Over the years, many water models have been developed, and it remains a challenge to find a single water model that accurately reproduces all experimental properties of water simultaneously. Here, we report a comprehensive comparison of structural and dynamic properties of 30 commonly used 3-point, 4-point, 5-point, and polarizable water models simulated using consistent settings and analysis methods. For the properties of density, coordination number, surface tension, dielectric constant, self-diffusion coefficient, and solvation free energy of methane, models published within the past two decades consistently show better agreement with experimental values compared to models published earlier, albeit with some notable exceptions. However, no single model reproduced all experimental values exactly, highlighting the need to carefully choose a water model for a particular study, depending on the phenomena of interest. Finally, machine learning algorithms quantified the relationship between the water model force field parameters and the resulting bulk properties, providing insight into the parameter-property relationship and illustrating the challenges of developing a water model that can accurately reproduce all properties of water simultaneously. referred to as TIPS3P hereafter in this work) which is used with the Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics (CHARMM) force field. 46 In the same 1983 paper as the original TIP3P model, Jorgensen et al. also described a 4-point model, TIP4P, where the negative charge of the oxygen was offset from the Lennard-Jones potential, resulting in improved structural properties. 41 The TIP4P water model is also commonly used with the OPLS force field. For the Consistent-Valence Force Field (CVFF), the CVFF water model has a geometry similar to TIP3P and non-bond parameters similar to SPC. It was developed concurrently with the rest of the force field, and is notable for having a flexible geometry, the use of a Morse potential for the O-H bond, and cross-terms to reproduce vibrational frequencies. 47 These models remain a popular choice due to their simple geometry, low computational cost, and relative accuracy. With the exception of CVFF, these models have a rigid geometry, which enables the use of a larger (e.g. 2 fs) timestep in MD simulations. While these models reproduced some experimental properties of water reasonably well, limited computational resources available at the time necessitated small system sizes of 125 to 216 water molecules, short simulation times of less than 20 ps, and short cut-offs of non-bond interactions typically between 7.5 and 8.5 Å. Moreover, many structural properties, such as densities and dielectric constants, were calculated using Monte Carlo, rather tha...