We continue the exploration of various appearances of cluster algebras in scattering amplitudes and related topics in physics. The cluster configuration spaces generalize the familiar moduli space M 0,n to finite-type cluster algebras. We study worldsheet-like variables, which for classical types have also appeared in the study of the symbol alphabet of Feynman integrals. We provide a systematic derivation of these variables from Y -systems, which allows us to express the u-variables in terms of them and write the corresponding cluster string integrals in compact forms. We mainly focus on the D n type and show how to reach the boundaries of the configuration space, and write the saddle-point equations in terms of these variables. Moreover, these variables make it easier to study various topological properties of the space using a finite-field method. We propose conjectures about quasi-polynomial point count, dimensions of cohomology, and the number of saddle points for the D n space up to n = 10, which greatly extend earlier results.