In this paper we investigate surfaces in CP 2 without complex points and characterize the minimal surfaces without complex points and the minimal Lagrangian surfaces by Ruh-Vilms type theorems. We also discuss the liftability of an immersion from a surface to CP 2 into S 5 in Appendix A.(2) 2 type [5]. While σ arose naturally in classical geometric investigations, the question arose, whether also σ 2 and σ 3 have a simple geometric meaning.The starting point for an approach to this question was the paper [13], which investigated arbitrary immersions from Riemann surfaces to CP 2 without complex points. However, since immersions from S 2 to CP 2 have been investigated intensively, for the final goals of this paper we exclude the Riemann surface S 2 from our discussion. More precisely, we consider an immersion f : M → CP 2 without complex points, where M is a Riemann surface different from S 2 . For our approach it is crucial to lift f to a map f : M → S 5 such that f = π • f where π : S 5 → CP 2 denotes the Hopf fibration. To clarify, when such a lift exists we have proven in the appendix that for a non-compact Riemann surface such a lift always exists and that in the case of a compact Riemann surface either the given immersion already has a global lift to S 5 or one can find a threefold covering τ :M → M of M such that the immersionf = f • τ :M → CP 2 admits a global lift to S 5 .So for this paper we always assume that any immersion under consideration does have a global lift to S 5 . For a more detailed investigation of liftable immersions f : M → CP 2 with global lift f : M → S 5 , we consider, to begin with, their composition with the universal coveringπ : D → M of M . In other word, we first investigate the case, where M = D is simply-connected.In this setting the ideas presented in [13] is applied. However, while in loc.cit. the investigation quickly moved on to consider minimal Lagrangian tori in CP 2 , in the present paper we consider a natural SU 3 -frame F(f) and thus obtain a setting similar to the one used in [7].