The latest results from atmospheric and accelerator neutrino experiments indicate that the normal neutrino mass ordering m 1 < m 2 < m 3 , a maximal leptonic CP-violating phase δ = 270 • and the second octant of neutrino mixing angle θ 23 > 45 • are favored. In light of new experimental results, we update previous phenomenological studies on two-zero textures of the Majorana neutrino mass matrix M ν , in the flavor basis where the charged-lepton mass matrix M l is diagonal. When the 1σ ranges of neutrino mixing parameters are taken into account, only four (i.e., A 1,2 and B 2,4 ) among seven two-zero patterns of M ν show the aforementioned features of neutrino mass spectrum, mixing angle θ 23 and CP-violating phase δ, and thus are compatible with the latest neutrino oscillation data. The correlative relations among neutrino masses and mixing parameters have been derived analytically for these four patterns, and the allowed regions of neutrino mixing angles and the CP-violating phase are also given. Possible realizations of four viable two-zero textures via non-Abelian discrete flavor symmetries are discussed.PACS number(s): 14.60.Pq, 11.30.Hv * 2011, the accelerator neutrino experiments T2K [1] and MINOS [2] observed neutrino oscillations in the ν µ → ν e appearance channel, indicating a nonzero θ 13 at the 2σ significance level, which is also consistent with the result from the reactor neutrino experiment Double Chooz [3]. In 2012, the Daya Bay collaboration [4] observed the disappearance of ν e from nuclear reactors and discovered a relatively large value θ 13 ≈ 9 • with a high statistical significance, which was further confirmed by the RENO [5] and Double Chooz [6] experiments. Thanks to three leading reactor neutrino experiments, Daya Bay, Double Chooz and RENO, the value of the smallest mixing angle θ 13 has been measured more precisely than those of the other two large mixing angles θ 12 and θ 23 . The remaining important issues in experimental neutrino physics are to determine whether neutrino mass ordering is normal (i.e., m 1 < m 2 < m 3 , denoted as NO) or inverted (i.e., m 3 < m 1 < m 2 , denoted as IO), to discover leptonic CP violation and measure the CP-violating phase δ, and to pin down the octant of θ 23 (i.e., θ 23 < 45 • or θ 23 > 45 • ). Any important experimental progress will shed light on the underlying flavor structure of lepton mass matrices, and thus help us explore the origin of neutrino masses and flavor mixing.Very recently, the T2K collaboration has published a combined analysis of the data in both ν µ → ν µ disappearance and ν µ → ν e appearance channels [7]. If the reactor neutrino data relevant for θ 13 are included, the likelihood maximum is reached at δ = 270 • and sin 2 θ 23 = 0.528 (i.e., θ 23 = 46.6 • ) in the NO case. In addition, the latest preliminary results of ν µ → ν e appearance from the NOνA experiment also favor NO at the 2σ level, and point to δ ≈ 270 • if θ 23 = 45 • is fixed [8]. Apart from the long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiments T2K...