Uterine contractility is generated by contractions of myometrial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) that compose most of the myometrial layer of the uterine wall. Calcium ion (Ca 2ϩ ) entry into the cell can be initiated by depolarization of the cell membrane. The increase in the free Ca 2ϩ concentration within the cell initiates a chain of reactions, which lead to formation of cross bridges between actin and myosin filaments, and thereby the cell contracts. During contraction the SMC shortens while it exerts forces on neighboring cells. A mathematical model of myometrial SMC contraction has been developed to study this process of excitation and contraction. The model can be used to describe the intracellular Ca 2ϩ concentration and stress produced by the cell in response to depolarization of the cell membrane. The model accounts for the operation of three Ca 2ϩ control mechanisms: voltage-operated Ca 2ϩ channels, Ca 2ϩ pumps, and Na ϩ /Ca 2ϩ exchangers. The processes of myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation and stress production are accounted for using the cross-bridge model of Hai and Murphy (Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 254: C99 -C106, 1988) and are coupled to the Ca 2ϩ concentration through the rate constant of myosin phosphorylation. Measurements of Ca 2ϩ , MLC phosphorylation, and force in contracting cells were used to set the model parameters and test its ability to predict the cell response to stimulation. The model has been used to reproduce results of voltage-clamp experiments performed in myometrial cells of pregnant rats as well as the results of simultaneous measurements of MLC phosphorylation and force production in human nonpregnant myometrial cells. cellular calcium control mechanisms; myometrial contractions; myosin light chain phosphorylation UTERINE CONTRACTILITY is generated by contractions of the myometrial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) that compose most of the myometrial layer of the uterine wall. In the nonpregnant uterus, synchronous contractions of these SMCs produce changes in the geometry of the uterine fluid-wall interface. These changes induce intrauterine fluid motions that are essential during early phases of reproduction (3,11,28). During parturition, the synchronized contraction of these myocytes generates the forces required to deliver the baby out of the uterus. Depolarization of the cell membrane initiates calcium ion (Ca 2ϩ ) entry into the cells through voltage-operated Ca 2ϩ channels (VOCCs) and thereby a rise in the intracellular Ca 2ϩ concentration (C Ca,i ). The elevated level of C Ca,i allows binding of Ca 2ϩ and calmodulin, thus activating myosin light-chain kinase (MLCK), which phosphorylates a regulatory myosin light chain (MLC) (29,32). This subsequently allows the formation of cross bridges between actin and myosin filaments and the generation of muscle contraction.The excitation-contraction process was studied in both rat and human myometria using the voltage-clamp technique. Stimulation of isolated myocytes using voltage pulses revealed the current-voltage relationship...