VLC based indoor positioning system is a natural choice thanks to LED technology and future trend. We can reuse existing LED lighting installations to design an appropriate scheme to provide indoor localization. By receiving basic information such as the light intensity and knowing the position of the transmitters for example through Visible Light Communication (VLC), one can estimate its position with the potential of high accuracy. In this paper, we use a multi-color sensor and build an indoor localization system based on the light fingerprint, which is suitable for smart cities and homes, health-care centers, hospitals or similar. There are, however, several practical problems that make it a technology that is not yet sufficiently developed to be used in our everyday life. In this paper, a new perspective is given by looking into indoor localization using multi-color fingerprinting and different machine learning methods. Experiment results have shown its effectiveness and potentials with mean localization errors of around ten centimeters.Index Terms-Indoor positioning system, VLC based localization, fingerprint, smart cities and homes, health-care centers and hospitals.