. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia is associated with efficiency of pulmonary gas exchange in healthy humans. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 284: H1585-H1591, 2003. First published January 23, 2003 10.1152/ajpheart.00893.2002.-Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) may be associated with improved efficiency of pulmonary gas exchange by matching ventilation to perfusion within each respiratory cycle. Respiration rate, tidal volume, minute ventilation (V E), exhaled carbon dioxide (V CO2), oxygen consumption (V O2), and heart rate were measured in 10 healthy human volunteers during paced breathing to test the hypothesis that RSA contributes to pulmonary gas exchange efficiency. Cross-spectral analysis of heart rate and respiration was computed to calculate RSA and the coherence and phase between these variables. Pulmonary gas exchange efficiency was measured as the average ventilatory equivalent of CO2 (V E/V CO2) and O2 (V E/V O2). Across subjects and paced breathing periods, RSA was significantly associated with CO2 (partial r ϭ Ϫ0.53, P ϭ 0.002) and O2 (partial r ϭ Ϫ0.49, P ϭ 0.005) exchange efficiency after controlling for the effects of age, respiration rate, tidal volume, and average heart rate. Phase between heart rate and respiration was significantly associated with CO 2 exchange efficiency (partial r ϭ 0.40, P ϭ 0.03). These results are consistent with previous studies and further support the theory that RSA may improve the efficiency of pulmonary gas exchange.heart rate variability; phase; ventilatory equivalent RESPIRATORY SINUS ARRHYTHMIA (RSA), the increase and decrease in heart rate within each respiratory cycle, occurs mainly as a result of fluctuations of parasympathetic output to the heart, although sympathetic outflow also may influence variability (26). During inspiration, impulses originating in stretch receptors in the lungs travel via the vagi to inhibit the cardioinhibitory area in the medulla. The tonic vagal discharge that keeps the heart rate slow decreases, and the heart rate rises. The degree to which this modulation occurs is a function of the level of tonic vagal discharge and blood pressure (9, 21). Thus measures of RSA are frequently used as an index of vagal tone (e.g., 2,12,19,20).Certain features of respiratory mechanics also affect the amplitude of RSA independent of changes in vagal tone. For example, changes in respiration rate and, to a lesser extent, tidal volume (V T ) can affect the magnitude of RSA in the absence of any change in tonic vagal activity (8,11,15,23). This slowing of respiration rate and increase in V T are believed to allow more time for the action of acetylcholine on muscarinic receptors at the sinoatrial node during exhalation (7, 25a). Other influences on the genesis and magnitude of RSA include feedback from arterial baroreceptors, a central rhythm generator in the brain stem, and intracardiac reflexes (3).Although a great deal of research has been published concerning the physiological mechanisms mediating RSA, the question of what function, if any, RSA serv...