We give examples of surfaces which are Ulrich-wild, i.e. that support families of dimension p of pairwise non-isomorphic, indecomposable, Ulrich bundles for arbitrary large p.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14J60. Key words and phrases. Vector bundle, Ulrich bundle, Ulrich-wild, Surfaces of low degree. The author is a member of GNSAGA group of INdAM and is supported by the framework of PRIN 2015 'Geometry of Algebraic Varieties', cofinanced by MIUR.Unfortunately, the above result is not sharp. E.g. if S is a del Pezzo surface, h S K S = −d and χ(O S ) = 1, thus the first member of Inequality (1.1) is strictly negative. Nevertheless del Pezzo surfaces are Ulrich-wild as shown in [41] and [36]: see also Section 5.3 of [24] where the authors prove the Ulrich-wildness of each 2-dimensional maximally del Pezzo variety (see [11] and the references therein for details about such varieties).Anyhow, Theorem 1.2 yields some interesting examples. As a consequence of results by A. Beauville and D. Faenzi, we show in Example 3.1 that abelian surfaces (i.e. surfaces S with K S = 0 and q(S) = 2) are Ulrich-wild. A similar result has been recently proved in [23] for K3 surfaces (i.e. surfaces S with K S = 0 and q(S) = 0) extending the previous works [19] and [4]. Thus each minimal surface S with Kodaira dimension κ(S) = 0 is Ulrich-wild (see Proposition 6 of [8]).We also deal with surfaces of general type (i.e. minimal surfaces S with κ(S) = 2: seeIn order to find other examples, we prove the following helpful theorem which holds without restrictions on the characteristic of k: it makes slightly more precise the results from [27].