Given a complex, separable Hilbert space H, we consider differential expressions of the type τ = −(d 2 /dx 2 )I H + V (x), with x ∈ (x 0 , ∞) for some x 0 ∈ R, or x ∈ R (assuming the limit-point property of τ at ±∞). Here V denotes a bounded operator-valued potential V (·) ∈ B(H) such that V (·) is weakly measurable, the operator norm V (·) B(H) is locally integrable, andWe focus on two major cases. First, on m-function theory for self-adjoint half-line L 2 -realizations H +,α in L 2 ((x 0 , ∞); dx; H) (with x 0 a regular endpoint for τ , associated with the selfadjoint boundary condition sin(α)u ′ (x 0 ) + cos(α)u(x 0 ) = 0, indexed by the self-adjoint operator α = α * ∈ B(H)), and second, on m-function theory for self-adjoint full-line L 2 -realizations H of τ in L 2 (R; dx; H).In a nutshell, a Donoghue-type m-function M Do A,N i (·) associated with selfadjoint extensions A of a closed, symmetric operatorȦ in H with deficiency spaces Nz = ker Ȧ * − zI H and corresponding orthogonal projections P Nz onto Nz is given byIn the concrete case of half-line and full-line Schrödinger operators, the role ofȦ is played by a suitably defined minimal Schrödinger operator H +,min in L 2 ((x 0 , ∞); dx; H) and H min in L 2 (R; dx; H), both of which will be proven to be completely non-self-adjoint. The latter property is used to prove that if H +,α in L 2 ((x 0 , ∞); dx; H), respectively, H in L 2 (R; dx; H), are self-adjoint extensions of H +,min , respectively, H min , then the corresponding operator-valued measures in the Herglotz-Nevanlinna representations of the Donoghue-type mfunctions M Do H +,α ,N +,i (·) and M Do H,N i (·) encode the entire spectral information of H +,α , respectively, H.Next, we briefly turn to Donoghue-type m-functions which abstractly can be introduced as follows (cf. [47], [48]). Given a self-adjoint extension A of a densely defined, closed, symmetric operatorȦ in K (a complex, separable Hilbert space) and the deficiency subspace N i ofȦ in K, withthe Donoghue-type m-operator M Do A,Ni (z) ∈ B(N i ) associated with the pair (A, N i ) is given bywith I Ni the identity operator in N i , and P Ni the orthogonal projection in K onto N i . Then M Do A,Ni (·) is a B(N i )-valued Nevanlinna-Herglotz function that admits the representation
M DoA,Ni (z) =ˆR dΩ Do A,Ni (λ)