A description of N-electron systems on the level of Dirac-Coulomb (DC) equation in many cases is either unfeasible or unnecessary. In this work, the N-particle DC equation has been simplified. The simplified DC Hamiltonians, defined on a reduced N-electron Dirac spinor space, are correct to the order of α 2. Simplified DC equations retain linearity and do not introduce any inverse operators and singularities. The solutions of the corresponding eigenvalue problem are correct to α 2 , but they also contain terms of higher order. In the case of one-particle, the simplified DC Hamiltonian is equal to the exact Dirac one. As an example, the simplified eigenvalue problems have been solved for the case of two noninteracting electrons. The energies are more accurate than the ones derived from the Pauli approximation (due to the higher order terms). The method may be easily extended to obtain Hamiltonians correct to an arbitrary order in α.