Technical developments, such as the web of data and web data extraction, combined with policy developments such as those relating to open government or open science, are leading to the availability of increasing numbers of data sources. Indeed, given these physical sources, it is then also possible to create further virtual sources that integrate, aggregate or summarise the data from the original sources. As a result, there is a plethora of data sources, from which a small subset may be able to provide the information required to support a task. The number and rate of change in the available sources is likely to make manual source selection and curation by experts impractical for many applications, leading to the need to pursue a pay-as-you-go approach, in which crowds or data consumers annotate results based on their correctness or suitability, with the resulting annotations used to inform, e.g., source selection algorithms. However, for payas-you-go feedback collection to be cost-effective, it may be necessary to select judiciously the data items on which feedback is to be obtained. This paper describes OLBP (Ordering and Labelling By Precision), a heuristics-based approach to the targeting of data items for feedback to support mapping and source selection tasks, where users express their preferences in terms of the trade-off between precision and recall. The proposed approach is then evaluated on two different scenarios, mapping selection with synthetic data, and source selection with real data produced by web data extraction. The results demonstrate a significant reduction in the amount of feedback required to reach user-provided objectives when using OLBP.