From the first report of the LightCycler as a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) instrument 1 clinical laboratories quickly realized its potential as a diagnostic tool. Quantitative applications important for infectious disease and oncology applications were followed by genotyping assays that took advantage of accurate temperature control to melt DNA amplicons or probe/amplicon duplexes. The first Food and Drug Administration-cleared molecular genetic assays were developed for this platform, specifically genotyping single base variants in F5 and F2. According to a College of American Pathologists survey, 2 ϳ30% of clinical laboratories report using the LightCycler for these two assays. This article will review the history of LightCycler technology, focusing on those applications widely incorporated into molecular diagnostics. In addition we will review recent developments that may impact future clinical testing.Real-time PCR instruments simultaneously amplify and detect, eliminating the need to open tubes containing PCR amplicon and therefore reducing the risk of future contamination. Fluorescent dyes or probes allow continuous monitoring as template DNA is amplified.3 By monitoring fluorescence every cycle, the amount of original target can be calculated. By monitoring fluorescence as the temperature changes, genotyping and heterozygote scanning can be performed by melting analysis, often removing the need for downstream analysis.The first two platforms developed for real-time PCR were the LightCycler (Roche, Indianapolis, IN) and the ABI 7700 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). The instruments were as different as the groups that created them. At the time, ABI was the undisputed corporate leader of PCR technology and the 7700 was a large 96-well laser-based instrument focused on throughput.