A fundamental question in graph theory is to establish conditions that ensure a graph contains certain spanning subgraphs. Two well-known examples are Tutte's theorem on perfect matchings and Dirac's theorem on Hamilton cycles. Generalizations of Dirac's theorem, and related matching and packing problems for hypergraphs, have received much attention in recent years. New tools such as the absorbing method and regularity method have helped produce many new results, and yet some fundamental problems in the area remain unsolved. We survey recent developments on Dirac-type problems along with the methods involved, and highlight some open problems.Given two (hyper)graphs F and H, which conditions guarantee H contains F as a subgraph? When |V (F )| = |V (H)|, the decision problem of whether H contains F is often NP-complete, e.g., deciding if a graph H contains a Hamilton cycle is a well-known NPcomplete problem. Therefore it is natural to look for sufficient conditions for such problems. A classical result of Dirac [13] states that every graph on n ≥ 3 vertices with minimum degree n/2 contains a Hamilton cycle. Problems that relate the minimum degree (in general, minimum d-degree in hypergraphs) to the structure of the (hyper)graphs are often referred to as Dirac-type problems. The Dirac-type problems for hypergraphs have received much attention in recent years. In this survey we concentrate on three such problems: matching problems (Section 1), packing problems (Section 2), and Hamilton cycles (Section 3). Many problems in this survey were already considered in the survey of Rödl and Ruciński [67]. However, since this is a fast-growing area, there are new developments in the last few years and we will emphasize these new advances. Since we only consider Dirac-type problems, we do not discuss matching, packing, or Hamilton cycles in random or quasi-random hypergraphs. We also omit corresponding results in graphs and digraphs. Many results that we omit can be found in other surveys, e.g., Kühn and Osthus [53,55,56], and Gould [23, 24].
Matching problemsGiven k ≥ 2, a k-uniform hypergraph (k-graph) consists of a vertex set V and an edge set E, where each edge is a k-element subset (k-subset) of V . Thus a 2-graph is simply a graph. In this survey a hypergraph refers to a k-graph with k ≥ 3. Given a k-graph H with k ≥ 2, a matching of size s is a collection of s disjoint edges; a perfect matching is a matching that covers the vertex set of H (thus it is necessary that k divides |V (H)|). Many open problems in combinatorics can be formulated as a problem of finding perfect matchings in hypergraphs, e.g., Ryser's conjecture that every Latin square of odd order has a transversal, and the existence of combinatorial designs (recently solved by Keevash [41]).1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 05C65, 05C70, 05C45, 05C35.