Many digital signal processors (DSPs) and also microprocessors are employing the single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) paradigm for controlling their data paths. Although the SIMD paradigm can provide high computational power and efficiency, not all applications can profit from this feature.One important application, particularly in audio processing, of DSPs are recursive (IIR) filters. Due to their datadependencies they can not exploit the capabilities of SIMD-controlled DSPs as non-recursive (FIR) filters can. This paper shows, how the SIMD control scheme can be enhanced to accommodate recursive filters without introducing much hardware overhead.Three methods for calculating recursive filters on SIMD-controlled DSPs and their requirements for control and data transfer are presented. They can be applied to direct-form as well as cascade-form realizations. The performance and hardware requirements of these methods are evaluated to determine the most efficient solution in terms of the AT-product.