Axillary brachial plexus block is one of the most frequently employed peripheral blocks. The popularity of axillary block stems from its success as a safe and relatively easy technique with numerous applications. The technique of axillary block has evolved. It was modified after the development of precise nerve localization modalities. Currently, ultrasound is the most important localization technique for regional anaesthesia. Ultrasound-guided axillary block encompasses a spectrum of techniques. The selection of a specific technique can be adjusted to an operator's individual level of skill and proficiency. Axillary block under US-guidance can be performed using a traditional perivascular method and by placing a selective blockade of individual nerves that supply the surgical area. Regardless of the selected method, it enables the incorporation of individual patient anatomical variation in an anaesthesia plan. This paper discusses the technical details and efficacy issues of US-guided axillary brachial plexus block techniques.Keywords: regional anaesthesia, peripheral nerve block, brachial plexus; regional anaesthesia, peripheral nerve block, axillary block; regional anaesthesia, techniques Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy 2015, vol. 47, no 4, 417-424 Axillary brachial plexus block is one of the most frequently employed peripheral blocks. The popularity of axillary block derives from its success as a very safe and relatively easy technique with numerous applications. The technique of axillary block has evolved. It was modified after the development of precise nerve localization modalities. Currently, ultrasonography is the most important localization technique for regional anaesthesia. Ultrasound-guided axillary block encompasses a spectrum of techniques. The selection of a specific technique can be adjusted to an operator's individual skills and proficiency. Ultrasound-guided axillary block can be performed using a traditional perivascular method and by placing a selective blockade of individual brachial plexus branches that supply the field of surgical operation. Regardless of the selected method, it enables the incorporation of individual anatomical variability into the anaesthesia plan of a patient.
TECHNIQUE OF ULTRASOUND-GUIDED AXILLARY BRACHIAL PLEXUS BLOCKThe use of ultrasonography enables all steps of a regional block to be controlled, such as determination of the anatomical structure of the anaesthetized region via realtime control, operational correction of the needle position and verification of the injection site and pathway of local anaesthetic agent dispersion [2]. Ultrasonography enables the assignment of an optimal site of needle puncture and the planning of the insertion vector based on the topographic relationships among particular patients.The utilization of this technique has introduced new possibilities of axillary block performance and has significantly changed its operation compared with traditional methods. Assuming that a crucial factor of effective/failed block is the appr...