Given a finite graph G, the maximum length of a sequence (v1,. .. , v k) of vertices in G such that each vi dominates a vertex that is not dominated by any vertex in {v1,. .. , vi−1} is called the Grundy domination number, γgr(G), of G. A small modification of the definition yields the Z-Grundy domination number, which is the dual invariant of the well-known zero forcing number. In this paper, we prove that γgr(G) ≥ n+⌈ k 2 ⌉−2 k−1 holds for every connected k-regular graph of order n different from K k+1 and 2C4. The bound in the case k = 3 reduces to γgr(G) ≥ n 2 , and we characterize the connected cubic graphs with γgr(G) = n 2. If G is different from K4 and K3,3, then n 2 is also an upper bound for the zero forcing number of a connected cubic graph, and we characterize the connected cubic graphs attaining this bound.