Abstract. We consider a class of zero-sum search games in which a Searcher seeks to minimize the expected time to find several objects hidden by a Hider. We begin by analyzing a game in which the Searcher wishes to find k balls hidden among n > k boxes. There is a known cost of searching each box, and the Searcher seeks to minimize the total expected cost of finding all the objects in the worst case. We show that it is optimal for the Searcher to begin by searching a k-subset H of boxes with probability ν(H), which is proportional to the product of the search costs of the boxes in H. The Searcher should then search the n − k remaining boxes in a random order. A worst-case Hider distribution is the distribution ν. We distinguish between the case of a smart Searcher who can change his search plan as he goes along and a normal Searcher who has to set out his plan from the beginning. We show that a smart Searcher has no advantage. We then show how the game can be formulated in terms of a more general network search game, and we give upper and lower bounds for the value of the game on an arbitrary network. For 2-arc connected networks (networks that cannot be disconnected by the removal of fewer than two arcs), we solve the game for a smart Searcher and give an upper bound on the value for a normal Searcher. This bound is tight if the network is a circle. 1. Introduction. The first problem we consider is that of a Searcher who wishes to find a number of objects (or balls) hidden among a set of discrete locations (or boxes), each of which has a designated search cost. The Searcher looks in the boxes one by one, paying the search costs associated with the boxes he looks in, until he has found all the balls. He wishes to minimize the total search cost of finding the balls in the worst case, so we view the problem as a zero-sum game between the Searcher and a malevolent Hider who wishes to maximize the total search cost. This is a natural problem to consider and one which we face on an everyday basis. For example, before leaving the house in the morning we may wish to locate certain essential items such as wallet, phone, and keys. There is a set of discrete locations around the house where these objects may be hidden, each of which takes a particular amount of time to search, and we wish to minimize the total time it takes to find all the items. The problem provides a simple model for other practical search scenarios, such as a search for a number of corrupted files which may be distributed among several folders, or a search for bombs hidden in several locations. The problem is also relevant to studies such as [23], which have examined how scatter hoarders like squirrels search for food they have previously cached over a number of sites.In section 2.1, after we have formally defined the problem, we will see that if both parties are allowed to use randomized strategies it is optimal for the Searcher to begin his search with a subset of k boxes chosen with probability proportional to the product of their search costs and t...