The purpose of this study is to examine ways to counteract the activities of
financial pyramids. To achieve this purpose, the study employs methods such as
logical analysis, formal-legal analysis, dogmatic analysis, legal hermeneutics,
deduction, induction. The study defines the concept of a “financial pyramid,”
identifies its characteristics, signs, implementation principles, role, and influence
on the socio-economic life of the state. Statistical data from the Republic of
Kazakhstan were analysed, leading to the conclusion that the number of criminal
activities in this category increases annually. Moreover, regions where these
illegal activities are most prevalent were identified. In this regard, an analysis of
Kazakhstan’s legislative framework was conducted, specifically the Criminal
Code of 1997 and 2014, highlighting key problematic aspects and normative-legal
conflicts. A comparative legal analysis was also conducted, comparing the
experiences of countries such as the USA, Poland, Germany, among others.