Relationships between geodiversity and culture are very close and frequent and they are reflected in numerous and different areas, situations, or levels. The purpose of this chapter is not to give an exhaustive overview of how geodiversity influence culture and vice-versa (as this topic has been already thoroughly explored in numerous works), but it aims to analyse the relationship geodiversity - culture within the concept of abiotic ecosystem services (or geosystem services). This relationship is best visible and recognisable within the cultural and eventually knowledge services, however, other types of services (provisioning, supporting) are relevant too. Moreover, the relationship geodiversity - culture is reflected in every day's life and language, thus a quick insight into these topics is also presented. Anchoring the geodiversity - culture relationships within the concept of abiotic ecosystem services may provide a framework for future interdisciplinary studies and may contribute to the better understanding of protection, conservation and sustainable use not only of geoheritage, but entire geodiversity.