Distinct non-random quantitative interactions at diverse timestamps formulate real-world dynamic complex networks. The most frequently used class of methods for discovering communities in dynamic networks is modularity optimization that evaluates the quality of the partition of network nodes into distinct communities. The bipartite networks have bipartite modularity and bipartite modularity optimization respectively. Newman's modularity is a consistently used algorithm to evaluate modules of unipartite networks yet it is ineffective for assessing the division of bipartite networks with two types of vertices. Many community detection methods suggest bipartite modularity to accommodate this issue. They usually employ information about the existence or lack of interactions between nodes. In quantitative networks, weighted modularity is a potential approach for measuring the quality of community partitions (Lu et al. IEEE, 179–184,
). This study offers an ensemble model for detecting one-mode communities and optimizing modularity in dynamic bipartite weighted networks. By using collaborative weighted projection, bipartite networks get projected into two weighted one-mode networks. The results of experiments both on real-world dynamic network data and synthetic data demonstrate that the modularity of the method is significantly greater than that of current techniques and the communities discovered contain vertices of comparable kinds exhibiting the suggested algorithm's performance is ample.