Pigmented macrophage aggregates (MAs) are known to change under influence of various factors, such as aging, season, starvation, and/or pollution. In this study, changes in the pigment content of the MAs in the spleen of Vardar chub (Squalius vardarensis, Karaman) (n = 129) collected in spring and autumn, from three rivers with different pollution impact was examined: Zletovska River (metals), Kriva River (metals and municipal wastewater), and Bregalnica River (municipal wastewater). Collected data revealed increased relative volume and number of MAs containing hemosiderin under the influence of metals, significant in autumn (p < .05). In chub exposed to metals combined with municipal wastewater, significant increase of lipochrome accumulation in MAs in autumn, melanin in MAs in fish captured in the spring season, and number of splenic MAs containing combination of melanin and lipochrome was noted. Volumes and number of MAs containing combination of hemosiderin and lipochrome increased in spleen of fish captured in autumn from both Zletovska River and Kriva River, most likely due to the contribution of hemosiderin and lipochrome, respectively. Values measured for the various pigments in splenic MAs in fish captured from Bregalnica River, were overall closer to the values measured for fish captured from Kriva River. Notably, melanin and lipochrome are more likely to be found in fish from waters influenced by municipal wastewater (organic pollution) and hemosiderin in fish spleen from water influenced by mining activity (heavy metals pollution).