This study investigates the implication of mitochondria-and caspase-dependent pathways in the death of retinal neurones exposed to the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate (PS) shown to evoke apoptosis and contribute to amplification and propagation of excitotoxicity. After a brief PS challenge of intact retinas, caspase-3 and caspase-2 activation and cytochrome c release occur early and independent of changes in the oxidative state measured by superoxide dismutase activity. The temporal and spatial relationship of these events suggests that a caspase-3-dependent pathway is activated in response to cytochrome c release and requires caspase-2 activation and a late cytochrome c release in specific cellular subsets of retinal layers. The protection by caspase inhibitors indicates a predominant role of the pathway in PS-induced retinal apoptosis, although a limited use of caspase inhibitors is upheld on a conceivable shift from apoptosis toward necrosis. Conversely, 3a-hydroxy-5b-pregnan-20-one sulfate and 17b-oestradiol provide complete prevention of PSinduced retinal death. Keywords: caspase-2, caspase-3, cytochrome c, 17b-oestradiol, excitotoxicity, pregnenolone sulfate 2 . J. Neurochem. Excitotoxicity is regarded as an important mechanism in the pathogenesis of ocular diseases such as glaucoma (Dreyer et al. 1996), ischaemia/hypoxic attack (Joo et al. 1999;Napper and Kalloniatis 1999) and optic neuropathy (Yoles and Schwartz 1998), as well as in several brain neurodegenerative disorders (Choi 1988;Lipton and Rosenberg 1994). As generally accepted, NMDA receptor-induced Ca 2+ overload is responsible for necrotic-and/or apoptotic-type neuronal death (Choi 1988;Duarte et al. 1998), and the final outcome is determined by the intensity of the insult or by the metabolic condition of neuronal cells Nicotera et al. 1999). During transient glutamate overactivation, a recovery of mitochondrial energetics occurs and neurones die through apoptosis Li et al. 1997b;Beal 2000). Members of the pro-and antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family and caspases belonging to both ÔinitiatorÕ and ÔeffectorÕ classes are involved in vivo models of retinal ischaemia (Kaneda et al. 1999;Katai and Yoshimura 1999;Kurokawa et al. 1999;Lam et al. 1999b;Tezel and Wax 1999;Singh et al. 2001) and traumatic injury (Levin et al. 1997;Kermer et al. 1999Kermer et al. , 2000, and in vitro retinal excitotoxic paradigms (Kido et al. 2000; Kwong and Lam Received May 10, 2002; revised manuscript received June 28, 2002; accepted September 19, 2002. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Patrizia Guarneri, Istituto di Biologia dello Sviluppo, C.N.R., Via Ugo La Malfa, 153, 90146 -Palermo, Italy. E-mail: Abbreviations used 1 : DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; 17b-E2, 17b-oestradiol; GCL, ganglion cell layer; HRP, horseradish peroxidase; INL, inner nuclear layer; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; PS, pregnenolone sulfate; PVDF, polyvinylidene difluoride; ROS, reactive oxygen species; 3a5bS, 3a-hydroxy-5b-pregnan-20-one sulfate; SDS-PAGE,...