“…Actual significance loss was measured in 35 studies. In 19 of these, different negative experiences were used as proxy measures for significance loss: (a) political alienation (Jasko et al, 2019, Studies 1–2), (b) social alienation (Bélanger, Moyano, et al, 2019, Studies 1, 2a–2b; Lobato et al, 2022, Studies 1–2), (c) economic/relationship failures and traumatic experiences (Jasko et al, 2017), (d) prison conditions (Kruglanski et al, 2016), (e) perceived oppression (Lobato et al, 2018, Studies 1–2; Lobato et al, 2020), (f) perception of intergroup conflict and social exclusion (Lobato et al, 2020), (g) personal failure in achieving goals (Orehek & Kruglanski, 2018, Studies 1–2), (h) relative deprivation (Moyano et al, 2022, Studies 1–2; van Prooijen & Kuijper, 2020), and (i) perceived discrimination (Troian et al, 2019, Study 1). Five experimental studies manipulating network operationalized significance loss as death anxiety (Orehek et al, 2014, Studies 1–5).…”