“…Member(s) of the hsa-miR-18114 and hsa-miR-29 families15 exhibit both anticancer and pro-cancer regulation under different clinical conditions, while members of hsa-miR-12616, hsa-miR-12917, hsa-miR-13618, hsa-miR-20419, hsa-miR-66320, hsa-miR-9921, hsa-miR-37822, hsa-miR-9223, and hsa-miR-40924 families are recognized as having anticancer properties under different clinical conditions. Families that contained at least one miRNA found in hAMSC-CM-derived exosomes reportedly exhibit antagonistic roles in numerous cancer types and include hsa-miR-48625, hsa-miR-10026, hsa-miR-10127, hsa-miR-12428, hsa-miR-128529, hsa-miR-13430, hsa-miR-13831, hsa-miR-13932, hsa-miR-14333, hsa-miR-18634, hsa-miR-19335, hsa-miR-20536, hsa-miR-22237, hsa-miR-33838, hsa-miR-33939, hsa-miR-42440, hsa-miR-12741, hsa-miR-2642, hsa-miR-10343, hsa-miR-10744, hsa-miR-12845, hsa-miR-14046, hsa-miR-14447, hsa-miR-15348, hsa-miR-19249, hsa-miR-21250, hsa-miR-21851, hsa-miR-2352, hsa-miR-2553, hsa-miR-37054, hsa-miR-37555, hsa-miR-38156, hsa-miR-41057, hsa-miR-4158, and hsa-miR-9359. These NGS data revealed an enriched miRNA population in hAMSC-CM-derived exosomes that are likely involved in the regulation of different types of cancer.…”