“…In order to prove Theorems 1.3 and 1.1 we need twisted versions of (3), which we develop in Section 6. Similar to the proof of the refined topological mirror symmetry conjecture [GZW17,Theorem 5.21], the idea is to consider for an a ∈ AG(k) and t ∈ π0( PG,a) the stack M t G,a = MG,a × P G,a Tt, where Tt is a PG,a-torsor representing t via the isomorphisms H 1 (k, PG,a) ∼ = H 1 (k, π0( PG,a)) ∼ = π0( PG,a). To compensate this twist on the G-side we introduce a natural function on χt : I µ M G,a (k) → C and show that for every b ∈ A ♦ G (F ) ∩ AG(O) restricting to a over Spec(k) the function χs • e on M G,b (F ) can be interpreted as the Hasse invariant of a certain Gm-gerbe on M G,b .…”