Tlte .sli/)flon~ effect is considered to estiniate the load capacity tion with slipflow conditions is used to evaluate the load capaci~n c l tlte clyrtuntic coefficient.^ of an elastically-supported gas foil ty. The linearized dynamic coefficient equations are obtained by hearing when the locrrl Kt~udsen nrtntbcr for the mininlun~ film the perturbation method. Nunzericul predictions compare the is greater that1 0.01. The contl~ressible Reynolds equaic and dynamic force perforniances considering slip flow at roomto-high temperate with the performance of elastically-supported Presented a s a Soclety of Trlbologlsts and Lubrlcatlon Engineers foil bearing withor4t slipflow for a range of bearing compliances ature is significant in the region of low bearing numbers.= accommodation coefficient = damping coefficients; ni, 11 = s or y = rndinl clearance = foil structural compliance; cf = IIKf = r:lrel:iction coefficient = bearing diameter = ecce~itricity = film thickness; = / L / C = nominal film thickness = perturbi~tion component of h; nl = x, y, x or y = resultant forces in s and y direction = foil structur;~l stiffness per unit area = stiffness coefficients; nl,n = x or y = Knudsen number = nominal Knudsen number = benring length = pressure; fi = pip,, = i~~iibient pressure = perturbation component of p; nt = x, y, x or Ij = bearing radius = time variable = velocity of journal surface = load capacity = foil deflection = axial coordinate = nondimensional compliance; a = P,/cK, = normalized difference in damping coefficient, AC = (C, -Cs)IC, = normalized difference in stiffness coefficient, AK = (K,, -Ks)IK,, = normalized difference in load capacity, AW = CW, -Ws)IWns =journal position perturbations =journal velocity perturbations = eccentricity ratio = attitude angle = whirl frequency ratio = rarefaction coefficient = molecular mean free path = circumferential coordinate = bearing number; A = (6p W /~, ) ( R / C )~, = A; = fluid viscosity =journal angular velocity = unit vector in the Bdirection 0 = steady state x = perturbation x component Y = perturbation y component x = perturbation x component Y = perturbation jc component Downloaded by [University of Texas Libraries] at 02: