Remote control applications are becoming popular as there are various mobile
devices that can claontrola wide array of applications remotely such as Smart TVs and
PCs. Our study focused on remotecontrol apps that connect to the PC. With these apps,
users can remotely connect to their PCs andcontrol many functionalities such as moving
the cursor using a fingertip on user screen, web browsing,typing, looking up
directories/files, and so forth. Unfortunately, despite their success in themarket, they
still face many security problems. Based on STRIDE threat model, the emphasis onthis
paper is on spoofing, tampering, authentication, and control messages on the network
layer. Byanalyzing protocols and packets via Wireshark, security properties were studied
in the remote controlapps, whose vulnerbilities were then discovered. Based on our
findings and further analysis, weimplemented an attack tool that aims to create a zombie
network by exploiting vulnerabilities andsecurity threats to compromise server