The influence of nonmonotonic viscosity-concentration relationships on viscous fingering of neutrally buoyant, miscible fluids in a Hele-Shaw cell has been investigated. In a first step, quasisteady base states are obtained by means of nonlinear Stokes simulations. The properties of these base states are analyzed as a function of the Péclet number, the viscosity ratio, and the profile parameters. Subsequently, the stability of these base states is investigated by means of a linear stability analysis. Overall, the nonmonotonicity of the viscosity-concentration relationship is seen to have a much smaller influence on Hele-Shaw displacements than on corresponding Darcy flows. The reason for this difference lies in the nature of the respective base states. For Darcy flows, the base state is characterized by constant velocity and a diffusively decaying concentration (and hence viscosity) profile. This base viscosity profile is strongly affected by the nonmonotonicity. On the other hand, for Hele-Shaw displacements the quasisteady base states are convectively dominated and characterized by sharp fronts, so that their shape depends only weakly on the details of the viscosity-concentration relationship. Hence, for Hele-Shaw displacements both the eigenfunctions and the associated growth rates are quite similar for monotonic and nonmonotonic profiles, in contrast to the findings by [O. Manickam, G.M. Homsy, Stability of miscible displacements in porous media with nonmonotonic viscosity profiles, Phys. Fluids A 5 (1993Fluids A 5 ( ) 1356Fluids A 5 ( -1367 for Darcy flows.