An increasing number of reports have described the pathogenic nature of several non-classical Bordetella spp. Among them, Bordetella hinzii and Bordetella pseudohinzii have been implicated in a myriad of respiratory-associated infections in humans and animals. We report the isolation of a genetically close relative of B. hinzii and B. pseudohinzii from the sputum of a woman in her early 60s with extensive bronchiectasis who presented with fever and brown colored sputum. The isolate had initially been identified as Bordetella avium by API 20NE, the identification system for non-enteric Gram-negative rod bacteria. Sequencing of the 16S rDNA, ompA, nrdA, and genes used in the Bordetella multilocus sequence typing scheme could not resolve the identity of this Bordetella isolate. Whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism analysis positioned the isolate between B. hinzii and B. pseudohinzii in the phylogenetic tree, forming a distinct cluster. Whole-genome sequencing enabled the further identification of this rare organism, and should be considered for wider applications, especially the confirmation of organism identity in the clinical diagnostic microbiology laboratory.