ObjectivesIntensive care is an expensive and limited resource, and when a demand supply mismatch between available beds and influx of patients occurs, one temporary measure is to discharge a patient to make room for the new admission. Sometimes the patient is discharged sooner from its original ICU than ideal; i.e., a so-called 'premature discharge'. This could be either to a different ward within the same hospital if the patient is deemed well enough to cope with a lower level of care, or to another intensive care unit if critical care is still to be provided. Data from the Swedish intensive care register (SIR) showed that there was a high incidence and increased mortality of patients discharged at night. There were also differences in mortalities between patients that were transferred from one ICU to another. I have analysed the mortality associated with different types of ICU-to-ICU transfers and control groups and examined a national quality improvement project regarding discharges at night to see if mortality, incidence, or discharge culture could change.
MethodsAll three studies are conducted with data from the Swedish intensive care register and vital status was ascertained by linking SIR to the Swedish population register. Study I consisted of two parts: mortality, and incidence of night-time discharge. The quality improvement project in Study I was analysed in a before and after approach with local improvement projects at different ICUs. In Studies II and III, transfers were grouped by the attending intensivist according to SIR guidelines into one of three defined categories: capacity transfer, clinical transfer, or repatriation. The groups were compared to each other in Study II, and capacity transfers were matched to a control group that remained in the ICU in Study III. Multilevel logistic regression was used, and all studies contained some statistics using individual ICUs as a random factor. Life sustaining treatment limitations were included in Studies II and III. WD Withholding Care Regarding limitations of care (see LSTL) WH Whitdrawing Care Regarding limitations of care (see LSTL)