Landau level mixing plays an important role in the even denominator fractional quantum Hall states. In ZnO the Landau level gap is essentially an order of magnitude smaller than that in a GaAs quantum well. We introduce the screened Coulomb interaction in a single Landau level to deal with that situation. Here we study the incompressibility and the overlap of the ground state and the Pfaffian (or anti-Pfaffian) state at filling factors with a general screened Coulomb interaction. For small Landau level gaps, the overlap is strongly system size-dependent and the screening can stabilize the incompressibility of the ground state with particle-hole symmetry which suggests a newly proposed particle-hole symmetry Pfaffian ground state. When the ratio of Coulomb interaction to the Landau level gap κ varies, we find a possible topological phase transition in the range 2 < κ < 3, which was actually observed in an experiment. We then study how the width of quantum well combined with screening influences the system.The even-denominator fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) was observed [1,2] and studied in great detail in GaAs. It is believed that the concept of pairing of electrons is behind this unique quantum Hall state [3][4][5][6][7], though the nature of this state is still unclear. A strong candidate for the ground state is the Moore-Read Pfaffian state which contains non-abelian excitations and chiral edge modes [3,4,7]. However this topological state has not been observed directly, perhaps because the mobility of GaAs is still not high enough for this state to be detected. In other systems, such as cold atoms, the circuit and cavity QED systems [8][9][10][11], in theory it is possible to emulate this unique topological ground state by tuning the Hamiltonian to approximate the parent Hamiltonian of the Pfaffian state. The even-denominator FQHE has been studied and observed in graphene systems [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. Recently, FQHE was observed again in the ZnO/MgZnO heterointerface [22][23][24]. The Pfaffian states and its topological properties can be potentially observed in this new system, albeit its low mobility. Surprisingly, in ZnO the well-known ν = 5 2 FQHE was found to go missing while its spinful electron-hole conjugate ν = 7 2 FQHE survived [24,25]. Tilted-field studies [26] also unveiled some interesting results in this system [24,27]. The ZnO system is distinctly different from the GaAs and graphene systems [16][17][18][19][20][21] since the effective mass in ZnO is very large and the Landau level (LL) gap is very small. The ratio of Coulomb interaction to the LL gap is κ = 25.1/ √ B for the magnetic field B, which is one order of magnitude higher than that in GaAs or in graphene systems. As a result, the electron-electron interaction would definitely drive the transport of the electrons unconventionally in many aspects [28]. Since the LL gaps are very small in ZnO, the Landau level mixing (LLM) is too strong to be negligible. However, it would be a major computational challenge to in...