“…This argument is based on the following evidence: (a) the recovery of numerous Burlington chert drills and Citronelle gravel chisels from Structure 1, (b) the identification of polish and rounding on the distal bit ends of drills, and (c) the recovery of microflakes of Burlington chert in samples of thin sections taken from the floor of Structure 1. This evidence, in addition to comparative structure size data which indicate that Structure 1 is one of the largest structures at the Carson site (Mehta et al., 2016: 482), and larger than 77.5% of structures across the Mississippian world (see White and Steere, 2014), supports statements that Structure 1 could have been used for craft production (Mehta, 2015; Mehta et al., 2016, 2017a, 2017b). Since these arguments and presentation of data have been made elsewhere, this section is a synthesis meant to set the stage for a discussion on the implications of this structure on the Mound D summit.…”