Executive SummaryThis report was revised in September 2008 to remove acid-extractable sodium data from Tables 4.8, 4.28, and 4.52. The sodium data was removed due to potential contamination introduced during the acid extraction process. The rest of the text remains unchanged from the original report issued in September 2004.The overall goal of the Tank Farm Vadose Zone Project, led by CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc., is to define risks from past and future single-shell tank farm activities at Hanford. To meet this goal, CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. tasked scientists from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to perform detailed analyses on vadose zone sediments from within Waste Management Area (WMA) T-TX-TY. This report is the second of two reports written to present the results of these analyses. Specifically, this report contains all the geologic, geochemical, and selected physical characterization data collected on vadose zone sediment recovered from boreholes C4104 and C4105 in the T Tank Farm, and from borehole 299-W-11-39 installed northeast of the T Tank Farm. Finally, the measurements on sediments from borehole C4104 are compared with a nearby borehole drilled in 1993, 299-W10-196, through the tank T-106 leak plume.Sediments from borehole 299-W-11-39 were considered to be background uncontaminated sediments against which to compare contaminated sediments for the T tank farm characterization effort. However, during characterization of the sediments from 299-W11-39, numerous indications were found that suggest some nearsurface contamination may have occurred in the past such that the water extract information for sediments from 299-W11-39 may not represent natural background conditions. Therefore, most of the comparisons of the contaminated T tank farm boreholes to natural background conditions used the sediment characterization information from background borehole 299-W10-27, just northeast of the TX Tank Farm.This report also presents our interpretation of the data in the context of sediment types, the vertical extent of contamination, the migration potential of the contaminants, and the likely source of the contamination in the vadose zone and groundwater below the T Tank Farm. The information presented in this report supports the T-TX-TY Waste Management Area field investigation report (a) in preparation by CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. Sediment samples from the boreholes were analyzed and characterized in the laboratory for the following parameters: moisture content, gamma-emitting radionuclides, one-to-one water extracts (which provide soil pH, electrical conductivity, cation, trace metal, radionuclide and anion data), total carbon and inorganic carbon content, and 8 M nitric acid extracts (which provide a measure of the total leachable sediment content of contaminants). Key radiocontaminants, technetium-99, actinides, fission products (including strontium-90, europium radioisotopes, ruthenium and molybdenum), cobalt-60, and uranium, along with other trace metals were determined in acid and water...