Two aspects are very important in any network, one is the uniform distribution of load among all the nodes and another one is addressing the security issues. The battery drain problem and power consumption by the nodes are more or less related with the security issues as nodes are continuously moving and the nodes which are very close to the transmission area generally gets overloaded with traffic. Ad hoc wireless network is defenseless and more exposed to almost all categories of the attacks with supplementary to susceptible, whether the attack is novice or old one. Hence, there is a need of some mechanism which could identify the attacks at the early stage. Few of the attacks uses the union of statistical and algebraic techniques for targeting the key element. They also target the scientific properties of the cryptographic algorithms. The trusted server issues the certificate to all the nodes and could help in identifying the malicious node to some extent. Load balancing scheme is very useful to distribute the load traffic uniformly in the network. The paper basically focuses on two important aspects of networks, i.e., equal distribution of load among the nodes in the network and diminishes the stringent impact of attack to greater extent in the premature stage.