Recent researches and discussions stress the need for waveforms with better spectral efficiency which could be obtained by Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). OFDM supports multicarrier communication and is capable of mitigating Inter Symbol Interference. Hence there is no need of equalizer at the receiving side. Human life has become easy and comfortable due to the rapid of wireless technology. At the same time there is an increase in the number of malicious users and the threat created by them for secure data transmission is noteworthy. Hence this work aims at to provide a solution which could solve the above discussed issues. Filter banks with multicarrier communication systems has gained popularity because of its capability to overcome the spectral leakage. Hence filter banks are placed instead of cyclic prefix. Near perfect reconstruction filter has been utilized to reduce the leakage. Further, Secure data transmission is accomplished by means of authentication tag. Pseudo Noise (PN) sequence named XOROSHIRO has been generated and appended with the information to be transmitted. At the receiving end only the information with authentication tag is accepted and the rest are omitted. FBMC system together with the authentication tag improves the spectral efficiency and also ensures safe and successful communication.