This paper discussed the mechanisms and processes in clay swelling. Various parameters used to predict the clay swelling processes were discussed. This study also shows how to select the suitable clay stabilizer for clay swelling control under different circumstances. Selection of clay stabilizers depends on the types of formation, the intrinsic the treatments. Different treatments require different types of clay stabilizers. Before applying any chemical treatment for clay swelling, knowing the mineralogy of clay minerals and locations of clay minerals is always being the first priority.
Osmotic swellingOsmotic swelling occurs when clay minerals are exposed to solutions that contain large quantity of sodium cations. The formation of an electric double layer on surfaces of clay minerals caused clay swelling. In this case, more clay swelling and more formation damage would be expected. Different from crystalline swelling, osmotic swelling occurs at low concentrations above critical salt concentrations [11].
Predict clay swellingThe regions for crystalline or osmotic swelling can be differentiated by the value of interplanar spacing. At critical salt concentration, a discontinuity in the inter planar space can be observed. This is the transition point between crystalline and osmotic swelling. Charts